

my country has become the fastest growing country in global forest resources


Industry News

"According to the Eighth National Forest Resources Inventory, the forest area reached 208 million hectares, the forest accumulation was 15.137 billion cubic meters, and the forest coverage rate was 21.66%, making it the fastest growing country in the world's forest resources." On October 22, in National Forestry Xiao Wenfa, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Forestry, said at the press conference for the fourth quarter of 2018 of the He Grassland Bureau.
   Our government has always attached great importance to forestry development. Thanks to the full support of the government, the unremitting efforts of forestry workers across the country, and the innovative research and development of forestry science and technology workers, my country's forestry construction has made great progress in the past 40 years of reform and opening up.
“my country’s planted forest reserves reach 69.33 million hectares, accounting for 36% of the country’s forested land area; planted forests have accumulated 2.483 billion cubic meters, accounting for 17% of the country’s forest reserves, and the scale of planted forests ranks first in the world. From 2009 to 2013, The annual average harvesting volume of plantation forests in my country is 155 million cubic meters. Plantation harvesting accounts for 46% of the forest harvesting volume, which is an increase of 7% over the previous period. Forest harvesting continues to shift to plantation forests. More than 85% of the increase in wood supply comes from artificial Lin." Xiao Wenfa said.
The construction of artificial forests in my country began with the plantation of natural forest logging sites in the 1950s and 1970s. In the 1980s, in order to meet the rigid growth in demand for timber from rapid economic development, my country proposed the cultivation of artificial fast-growing and high-yield forests; in the 1990s, The cultivation of industrial timber forests is proposed.
In the 21st century, China’s forestry has entered a major historical transition from wood production to ecological construction. The construction of artificial forests places more emphasis on vegetation restoration, degraded land and landscape reconstruction, biodiversity protection, and soil erosion control It plays an important role in improving the ecological environment, such as water conservation and water conservation.
"Through the efforts of several generations, through the construction of a series of projects such as the construction of the fast-growing and high-yielding timber forest base in the south, the construction of the'Three North' shelterbelt, the shelterbelt construction in the Yangtze River Basin and the management of the Beijing-Tianjin sandstorm source, China has accumulated rich experience in plantation construction. , Proposed a distinctive and advanced plantation construction model, and created 1.12 million mu of the world’s largest plantation-Saihanba, a miracle of'sand turning into an oasis and wasteland into a forest and sea'." Xiao Wenfa Said that the construction of plantation forests has played an important role in providing timber and non-wood forest products, improving ecology, and optimizing the living environment. It has strongly promoted the construction of China’s ecological civilization and has made great contributions to the realization of the goal of a beautiful China. .
This article is transferred from China Coal News Network
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